Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 3, 2012

If Microsoft made the iPod

This is a hilarious video.  Apple is as concerned with its packaging as it is with its product.  Clean, cool, elegant.  Microsoft, on the other hand, is... well... Microsoft.  Here is what the iPod box would look like if Microsoft made it. 


Singing competition shows are big deals in America but folks in Europe know the REAL enchilada is the EUROVISION.  Not just people but nations compete.  I think the grand prize is you get to occupy Norway.  Anyway, this has been going on for years and is gearing up for the 2012 edition.  Among the big winners have been Abba so you know it's legit.

Anyway, this was the WINNING song in 1969.  Let me repeat that:  WINNING song.  This one beat all the entries of all the many nations.  Nothing could top it.  Can you even imagine the song that finished tenth?

So here is Eurovision '69 winner, Lulu with... well, you'll hear it. 

Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 3, 2012

Keith Olbermann has been fired: My take

Quick!  Can you even name the network he was on?   The Current Network has apparently dismissed Olbermann and he is pissed.  He claims the termination was baseless and plans to (a) sue, and (b) name Current as the worst network in the world.

His tenure there has always been stormy.  On the other hand, you hire Keith Olbermann you know you're not getting an Eagle Scout.

Personally, I think he's a very talented guy and really has only one legitimate enemy -- himself.  Okay, maybe George Bush and himself. 

Anyway, no future plans for Keith have been announced.   Although the door is now open for him to star in a syndicated sitcom.