Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 5, 2012

Okay, I gotta weigh in on the Burger Debate

On Friday I mentioned that I thought Five Guys is giving In N Out Burgers a run for their money. This sparked many great comments from various animal fat aficionados. Personally, when it comes to love of burgers, I fall just behind Wimpy. So here on this lovely holiday weekend when no one wants to really tackle any weighty issues ( I for one am Dan Harmon’ed out) I thought I’d share more of my burger thoughts. Please chime in with more of your own.

Five Guys seem tastier to me than In N Out. I like the buns better, there are more condiments, yes they’re more expensive but you don’t need fries. Just eat the free peanuts. That said, if I’m at some school carnival or organized daytime function and an In N Out truck arrives, I fall to my knees in appreciation.

Several people mentioned Hamburger Habit. Been there a couple of times. Okay but didn’t knock my socks off.

I’ve had White Castle when I was on the east coast. Don’t get it. Lethal pellets dipped in anti-freeze. Not for me.

I hear the Shake Shack is great in New York. Can’t wait to try it. Also on my list in Boss Angeles is Umami Burgers. It’s gotten a lot of hype.  But it seems a little “designery” for me. They feature truffles. Really? That sounds like a burger you’d get in the private club at Laker games. What do you think?

Best burger I ever had in New York was in the Parker-Meridian hotel. Don’t even know the name. Just go to the lobby and look for the line where no one is toting luggage.

Some of you praised the Fat Burger (perhaps a local LA chain – sorry New Zealand). My daughter, Annie has a great rule. “Never eat in an establishment where consequences are in the title.” This applies to Fat Burger or Tombstone Pizza. I don’t mind Fat Burger. I make sure I get my burger char-broiled.  And they're made to order. 

I know it’s an LA thing but for sheer nostalgia I head straight for Bob’s Big Boy in Toluca Lake. Imagine a Big Mac only good.

I’m surprised none of you Angelinos mentioned the Apple Pan. Now this is an exceptionally tasty burger with or without the hickory sauce. Topped off with a slice of pie and you are in cholesterol heaven. The one downside is you can only sit at the horseshoe counter. When it’s crowded there are people standing behind you imploring you to chew faster. So I always feel a little rushed. The waiters have been there a thousand years and are fast. They’re the Blue Man Group with aprons.

Worth the wait (and there WILL be a wait) is Father’s Office in Santa Monica. Good selection of beers there too… just like in my father’s office.

I also love The Counter. Not sure if it’s just an LA chain or has spread elsewhere. Co-owned by Jon Favreau, which means nothing in terms of this discussion, but I might get more hits on Google. What I love about The Counter is that you get tons of choices. You fill out essentially an All-Star ballot. Twenty toppings. Six bun choices. Thirty condiments. Eight cheeses. And try the sweet potato fries.

Somewhat brought up Tommy’s Burgers on Beverly & Rampart. Open 24 hours and always busy. Tasty, messy chili burgers. There are a couple of picnic tables, but most people eat them in their cars. Very bad idea. They come in wax paper and within seconds the chili drips, gets on your upholstery and trust me when I say, it NEVER COMES OUT. You will smell that chili for the life of your car. Now if it could do that to leather, what do you think it does to your stomach?

There's also Carney's chili burgers.   Not as good as Tommy's but certainly better located.  Just look for the train car on the Sunset Strip.  

Burger King is what you order at the airport when Chili's Two is closed. McDonalds is… McDonald’s. Carl Jr.s is Hardee’s on the east coast and terrible on both.

There are a number of highly touted joints in downtown Los Angeles. I love hamburgers but not that much.

Still my favorite however, is Cassells at 6th & Berendo in the Wilshire District. Full disclosure: It’s not precisely as good as in the old days when Alvin Cassell owned and operated the place. Now it’s across the street, under new management, but the quality is almost the same. Their grills are on a slant so the grease slides down. The condiment bar is loaded and the best thing is their homemade potato salad made with a hint of horseradish. Only open for lunch.  And it's not just me.  The Korean Times also recommends it. 

Are you as hungry as I now am?  See you at Bob's.

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