Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 7, 2014

I always miss Dave Niehaus on July 4th

Dave Niehaus, the longtime Seattle Mariners' broadcaster who passed away a few years ago had many traditions.  One was to wear a hideous red,white, and blue sportsjacket every July 4th.  One year, when I was his partner, we were in Detroit for Independence Day.  We split duties on radio and TV that day and of course Dave wore the jacket for the opening.   I asked if I could wear it when I came on TV.  He said sure, I appeared on camera in it and could not have looked more ridiculous.  Wouldn't you know, they picked it up on ESPN and it led off every edition of Sportsnight that evening.   For weeks I took shit from the players. 

But God bless, Dave.  He loved his country, team, and family.  And I miss him everyday.  

I don't have a shot of him in the notorious jacket, but that was the shirt he wore with it.  Also in the picture is Kevin Cremin, our producer-engineer (who is still there today). 

Enjoy the fireworks tonight.

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