Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 8, 2012

How Ryan Seacrest got his big NBC deal

Ryan Seacrest recently signed a huge deal with NBC. As a result, he's reporting from the Olympics -- proving himself as useful as cufflinks on pants.   Let’s go back and eavesdrop on the NBC negotiations.


An NBC VP of Business Affairs is sitting with Ryan Seacrest’s agent.

NBC: I’ve gotten a directive from upstairs to make a deal for Ryan Seacrest but I must admit, I don’t watch AMERICAN IDOL.  I’m familiar with the name but not so much his work. So with all due respect, what does he do?

AGENT: He hosts.


NBC: That’s it? You’re asking for hundreds of millions.

AGENT: He also interviews… sometimes. We can negotiate that separately.

NBC: We have hosts.

AGENT: Yes, but you don’t have Ryan.

NBC: What does he do that’s so special?

AGENT: Ask Fox, and Clear Channel, and E! TELEVISION. They’re paying him a combined $300 million.

NBC: For what?

AGENT: For being Ryan.

NBC: What does that mean?

AGENT: People love him.

NBC: Why?

AGENT: He has that… thing.

NBC: What thing?

AGENT: I don’t have to sit here and be insulted by you!  He's a personality!  A celebrity!  A pop icon!

NBC: Okay. Fine. We’ll move on. I’ll just assume he’s very talented… at something.

AGENT: Whatever that something is, he's the best at it!

NBC: The trouble is – we don’t need another host. We have lots of hosts.

AGENT: Oh, Ryan doesn’t want to host.

NBC: He doesn’t?

AGENT: No. He already does that.

NBC: So I’m confused. What are we buying?

AGENT: A versatile entertainer who can do it all.

NBC: Is he funny?


NBC: Can he act?


NBC: Can he sing?


NBC: Dance?


NBC: Then tell me again what “he can do it all” means?

AGENT: He can be a special correspondent for news and sports.

NBC: Has he ever done news or sports?

AGENT: Again with the insults?

NBC: Okay. Sorry. Where has he done news and sports?

AGENT: Nowhere.

NBC: So why does he want to do news and sports?

AGENT: Because he doesn’t do them already. But I'm sure he'll give the same flair to them as he does to the... other things he does -- all of them well. 

NBC: Does he even like news and sports?

AGENT: Well, he likes showbiz news. And he goes to Superbowl parties. So I’d have to say yeah.

NBC: What can he contribute?

AGENT: I can’t believe you’re asking me these questions. This is Ryan Seacrest. Ryan! Seacrest!

NBC: Okay. Fine. Can we put him on THE TODAY SHOW?

AGENT: You’d have to tape it.

NBC: Why?

AGENT: He has a morning radio show.

NBC: You mean he wouldn’t be exclusive to us?

AGENT: Well… semi-exclusive.

NBC: What does that mean?

AGENT: He’s not on CBS. And if you have the Dish Satellite and don’t get certain networks, you won’t see him on those either.

NBC: But he’s on everything else.

AGENT: A talent that big can’t be contained to one network.

NBC: Okay. Let me ask you. This talent – do all these other networks and radio conglomerates know what it is?

AGENT: They don’t have to know. That’s the beauty of it. I get them in a bidding war and the more they offer the more they assume the other guy knows.

NBC: So nobody knows what Ryan Seacrest does.

AGENT: All the more reason why everyone wants to be in business with him.

NBC: My head is spinning. Give me a few days. I’ll get back to you.

AGENT: Okay. Fine. Listen, now that I’ve got you. I think we should talk about re-negotiating my other client’s deal.

NBC: Who’s your other client?

AGENT: Carson Daly.


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