Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 10, 2012

Some announcements...

Pretend this is me
...reminders, recommendations, and fun links.
A reminder that I'll be signing my book, THE ME GENERATION... BY ME (GROWING UP IN THE '60s) on Monday night the 29th at the Barnes & Noble in the Grove from 7-9 pm.   I'll also be reading a section, and answering all your sex questions so if you're in the LA area, please stop by.  It's a good excuse for a local meet-and-greet. 

And I'd be remiss if I didn't plug my book. (Hey, I haven't done it in over a week.)   You can find out more about it, see the trailer, tons of photos and videos by going here.  

And so you don't think I'm totally shameless, I'd like to recommend three books that aren't mine.  Two are about the early fun days of radio and the other is about the fun days of show business as told by a 120 year old woman.

Anyone who grew up in Southern California in the '50s and '60s knows about Color Radio KFWB and Boss Radio KHJ.   The program directors of those two wildly successful and groundbreaking stations have each written a book.

Chuck Blore was the man behind KFWB and later went on to form the most creative advertising agency in the business.  He probably has more Clio Awards than MAD MEN has viewers.

Chuck has the most positive creative energy of anyone I think I've ever met, and reading his book you'll not only enjoy the adventures but be inspired to go out and do something creative yourself.    In paperback only (for now).  You can order it here.

And the long awaited E-book of KHJ, INSIDE BOSS RADIO by Ron Jacobs is finally available.  This is the guy and format that defined a decade.   Complete with tons of pictures, memorabilia, great anecdotes, larger-than-life characters, and even inter-office memos.  It's not just good.  It's BOSS.  You can order it here.

These two men are quite a contrast.  Both are creative geniuses and have had a huge impact on me.  But Chuck Blore is like Tony Robbins while Ron Jacobs is Vince Lombardi.   I recommend them and I'm sure Oprah would too if she knew about them.

And late add because I just found out about it but TALLYHO, TALLULAH! featuring the latest adventurous of our very own Tallulah Morehead is now available for your reading and drinking pleasure.  For sheer laughs, this is the book to get.  Here. 

Finally, for you readers in the UK, next Saturday night at 10:00 on BBC TWO there will be a documentary called FAMILY GUYS?  WHAT SITCOMS SAY ABOUT AMERICA.  I participated although I have no idea how much of my interview they will use.   They spoke to me for over an hour so I'm guessing eight seconds tops.  I haven't seen the documentary but the questions were good so I assume the program will be as well. Let me know how it was.  Here's where you go for details. 

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