Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 10, 2012

My version of SUPERBOY

Here’s another chapter in my saga of the Superman legend if a Jewish couple had found him in the cornfield. The first part is here. A breakdown of how I wrote it is here. Now we jump forward to when the young lad is a teenager. I won’t be breaking down this scene, but based on the other, hopefully you can glean a little of the thinking that went into constructing this scene.


15-year old, Zvee Sugarman enters with something on his mind. His parents are there – Morris and Yetta.

ZVEE: Mom? Dad? Can we talk?

YETTA: Of course, son.

MORRIS: Did you get that Lane girl in trouble?

ZVEE: What? No! We’re just friends.

MORRIS: I don’t like her. Who names their kid Lois? So you were saying, Zvee?

Zvee joins them at the table.

ZVEE: I don’t know how to say this, but… I think I’m different from the other kids.

Morris and Yetta share a knowing look, then:

YETTA: (gently) You are, son. We didn’t want to say anything, but you are.

MORRIS: You’re Jewish.

ZVEE: Huh? No. It’s not that.

MORRIS: Of course it’s that. We’re Jews in Kansas. Come Christmas time we’re the only family in the whole goddamn state that doesn’t get a tree.

ZVEE: But it’s more than that. I seem to have this unbelievable strength. The other day Lois was spying on some teachers for a story she’s writing for the school paper and she got trapped under a car. I was able to lift an entire SUV with one hand so she could get out.

YETTA: Oh dear!

MORRIS: Jesus!

ZVEE: I know!

MORRIS: Where were you when we needed to move the piano? I had to call those two yokels. Must’ve cost me two-fifty.

YETTA: (to Zvee) It could have just been adrenaline, sweetheart.

ZVEE: No. There’s more. Lois climbed a big tree so she could train a telescope on a local judge she was spying on for a story and she slipped and fell. I was at the other end of the park but I heard her and in one leap I was there to catch her.

YETTA: Really? You leaped like one mile in a single bound?

MORRIS: I’m telling you, stay away from that girl. She’s poison!

ZVEE: It’s bizarre. Once everyone left I tried to leap again – just to see how far I could go. And you’re not going to believe this but… I can fly. I can actually fly.

YETTA: Oh my God!

MORRIS: You can fly?

ZVEE: What does this mean?

MORRIS: Well, for us – we don’t have to buy you a car.

At the time of the crash they never entertained this option but now…

YETTA: Morris, I’m starting to think –

MORRIS: What? That that rocket actually came from outer space? That’s cuckoo talk!

ZVEE: Huh? What?

It’s truth time. Yetta takes a deep breath, then:

YETTA: Zvee, son. You know of course that you were adopted.

ZVEE: Yeah. From a couple in Israel that gave me up because they were both Nobel Prize winning scientists who needed to continue their vital research in helping Jerry’s kids.

YETTA: Yes, well… we might’ve embellished the story just a wee bit.

ZVEE: So what’s the real story?

YETTA: You were born on another planet and sent to earth in a spaceship.

ZVEE: Oh, come on!

YETTA: No. It’s true. I myself didn’t realize it until now, but these powers you have – you’re obviously special. I know every Jewish mother says that but none of their children can fly.

ZVEE: Wow. This is a lot to process.

YETTA: Puberty is a confusing time.

MORRIS: But still, the thing that really separates you is that you’re Jewish.

YETTA: Oh Morris!

MORRIS: Hey, for all we know half the country are aliens.

YETTA: That’s ridiculous!

MORRIS: Oh really? Explain Bush getting re-elected!

She waves him off then turns to Zvee.

YETTA: What other powers do you have, son?

ZVEE: Well, bullets bounce off of me.

MORRIS: Someone shot at you?

YETTA: Oh Lord!

ZVEE: Lois wass doing this article on gang violence at the Dairy Queen and said the wrong thing. Fortunately, I was only ten miles away and heard her so I was able to fly over there and get in front before the bullets drilled her.

YETTA: So you can also hear things from long distances?

ZVEE: And see things. The next day when the gang kidnapped her I was able to see through walls and find her location. Oh, and I can blow out fire. Lois fell asleep last week with a cigarette.

MORRIS: Sounds like you and that Lane gal are getting pretty intimate.

ZVEE: Well, I want to be. But she says I still have to earn it.

MORRIS: What? Son, a heads-up. Tomorrow night when she yells “help” ignore it because I will be the one shooting her.

YETTA: The only explanation is that you come from another planet where they have these extraordinary powers. Why they sent you away I do not know. Maybe to protect you.

MORRIS: Maybe Bush attacked them too.

ZVEE: So you’re saying I’m really from another planet?

MORRIS: Everyone has baggage, boy.

YETTA: Zvee, it just occurred to me. You can use these powers for good. To help others, to save lives, stop wars.

ZVEE: I don’t know if I’ll have time. Lois gets into a lot of jams.

MORRIS: Y’know what? The aliens can have you back because you’re an idiot!

YETTA: Morris!

MORRIS: After all he’s done? You’ll pardon my French but she should be going down on him six times a day until the 2012 Olympics!

YETTA:  That’s terrible!

MORRIS: What does it say about this world when a Gentile who plays high school football gets laid but the Jew who can fly and juggle Buicks gets a hardy handshake?

YETTA: Zvee, don’t listen to your father. You go off. You save the world. You become the greatest most respected man on this Earth.

ZVEE: Okay, Mom.

YETTA: But first, get your degree. Always have something to fall back on.

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