Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 6, 2013

The one Kickstarter celebrity campaign I can support

I know I've been down on actors taking advantage of their notoriety to get money from fans on Kickstarter, but suddenly a project has come along that's so important, so VITAL that even I have to change my tune.

Zosia and Clara Mamet, daughters of poverty stricken playwright, David Mamet, need $32,000 to make a music video of their original song.  Zosia, of course, is one of the girls on GIRLS and even had Lena Dunham tweet all her millions of followers urging them to contribute to this most worthy cause.

Get a Kleenex ready when you hear this.   Zosia (who obviously makes no money co-starring in an HBO series) and her sister need a way to bond.  And they thought a great way to do that is make a $32,000 music video together of an original song that they wrote and sang.   And here's the part that will melt your heart -- it's not for them -- it's a way to share their music with YOU.   How can you not love these selfless waifs?

Now here's the shocking thing:  even with such a noble cause, even with Lena Dunham's endorsement, they've raised like $1,000 from forty-one backers.  VERONICA MARS raised more than two million in that same amount of time.



Clearly, there is no other way in the world for these two sisters to bond!  Otherwise, why would they possibly ask YOU to give them your money?   Plus, they're only half-sisters.  Doesn't that make it all the more poignant?   Half-sisters for godsakes!

What's that you say?  They're privileged girls from a well-to-do heavily-connected family and their song is trite and sounds like it was written in a matter of minutes (which they admit it was)?  You're missing the point.  They wanna. 

The campaign ends June 9th.  Here is their Kickstarter video.  Listen to passion in their voices, listen to their emotional plea, listen to their music.  And if you're like me, if you have even an ounce of humanity and love for your fellow man, you'll give generously so that these girls have something to do one afternoon.

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