Thứ Bảy, 8 tháng 6, 2013

Weekend odds and ends...

Fragments of ideas and miscellaneous observations...

Does anyone else think James Taylor looks like Matt Weiner?

The big problem Hollywood has always had with Superman is making him relevant and cool. I don’t think they help their cause by putting him in a fucking Carls Jr. fast food burger commercial.

Went to the Dodgers-Braves game Thursday night. Yasiel Puig, the 20 year-old Dodger sensation from Ricky Ricardo's hometown hit his first grand slam. So many amazing things that night:

1. The kid’s first grand slam.
2. They were already selling his jersey in the gift shop.
3. Paula Abdul lectured the crowd on prostate problems. Maybe she thought she had one.
4. The Dodgers gave out bobbleheads of the Braves radio announcer. (Okay, it was former Dodger pitcher, Don Sutton).

I was hoping Michael Douglas would have been there to tell Dodger fans (and especially Steve Garvey) about the dangers of… you know.

Remind me to call Obama to see if I have any phone messages.

Actual HuffPost Headline:  50 Cent agrees to pee in girl's mouth.   That makes me so proud to be a contributing writer. 

The TV GUIDE channel – TVGN, will begin showing CHEERS this summer. Consult TV Guide to see if (a) TV GUIDE still exists, and (b) what the hell is the TV GUIDE channel? 

Great line from SOPRANOS creator, David Chase: “I was not a super TV watcher since I discovered drinking.”

Great Facebook line from writer Dave Hackel: My DVR is completely filled with episodes of "Hoarders."

R.I.P. Esther Williams at 91. She did all these swimming musicals. Fanny Brice once said: “Wet, she’s a star. Dry, she ain’t.” Those who knew Ms. Williams said she was a sweetheart, wet or dry.

I won’t be reviewing the Tony’s because no one watches the Tony’s. But I’m sure Neil Patrick Harris will be a great host and the first opening number will have a Michael Douglas joke.

Groundling vets/successful writers Robin Schiff & Wendy Goldman are holding another Improv for Writers workshop this summer. Great way to tap into your creativity. Here’s where you go for info.

I saw BODY HEAT again recently. What a sexy, steamy movie. Only thing is – if Kathleen Turner's character was so rich she lived in a big mansion, how come she didn’t spring for air conditioning?

Bill Drake, arguably the most influential man in radio in the '60s and '70s (back when being influential in radio meant something) agreed to a lengthy and totally candid interview with fellow radio genius, Ron Jacobs.   The result is mind blowing (as they said in the '60s and two years of the '70s) and the transcript is now available in ebook form.   Check it out.

TV critics already hate this year’s pilots.

Happy birthday to Sam Simon and my brother Corey. Okay, Sam’s was two days ago. I don’t check Facebook every twelve seconds.

But on a somber note: Sam Simon is very ill. Please join me in passing along prayers and best wishes to this very caring and special man. Just recently he purchased an entire circus so he could set the animals free. How truly remarkable is that?

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