Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 10, 2013

Some of my readers are idiots

A big part of this blog is you – your comments. I’ve said this before, your comments are often more interesting than my posts. There are times I write posts specifically because I’m interested in what your take is on a topic. I enjoy your insight, point-of-view, and often we get insiders who really illuminate a subject from the first hand knowledge that I don’t have.  So I thank you all and invite you to continue weighing in. 

I rarely delete commenters who disagree with me. If they post as Anonymous or say really hateful inappropriate things then yes, I zap them, but most of the time I just let ‘em fly. I don’t want this to be the kind of blog where only people who support me are allowed a voice.

Besides, some of the criticism has led to great debates. And I will admit that some of your criticism is valid. I’ve even been known to change a position or two based on your contrarian arguments. I hate when that happens because I’m, y’know, always right, but I do.

I also rarely respond in the comments section to opposing views. That’s the forum for you to debate the issues, not me.


Sometimes I’ll read a comment and just have to shake my head. One such comment was yesterday’s regarding my post on the CHEERS actors missing run-throughs. This was the comment verbatim:

Anonymous said...

I'm with Elf on that one. Besides, writers wag the dog too much on sitcoms. They're paid big bucks to deliver a script that works. That's their JOB. Those who cry about needing the actors around to "tweak" the script are weak hacks. We're talking about a 20 minute loaded sketch here, with completely defined characters! They're not writing "streecar named desire" for chrissake. If the actors have their shit wired-and that's what THEY'RE being paid the big bucks for, you don't need repeated run-throughs, aside from blocking the scene.

This mythology has been created by weak writers who can't deliver a good script consistently, looking to cover their weak asses.

Crybaby writers...

CRYBABIES!!! Makes me so mad... And YOU let 'em DO it, Ken!!!! Pat yourself on the back!! Buy yourself an ice cream cone!! You deserve it!!

goddammit... some people's writers... give 'em a fuckin' inch... inmates running the goddamn asylum... patty-cake playing em-effers... dogs is what they are... DOGS!!

-Cheers Fan

Okay, the text is not even worth debating. The point I want to make, and I suspect most of my readers would agree, is…

I get some real morons who comment on this blog. I mean, some certifiable string-collecting drooling idiots.

Now, I realize that statement may result in a flurry of outrage from the morons and idiots, but so be it unless they cross the line and I delete them.  Yes, I'm giving this cretin attention but after almost eight years of blogging and ignoring I felt it was time to finally say something.  Usually, I'll email friends and say, "Oh you've gotta see this comment some imbecile wrote." 

One thing I’ve learned is that my blog is not unique. These trolls are everywhere, and they can turn most any topic into an angry rant. I’ve seen recipe posts lead to tirades against Obamacare. I’ve seen photos of cute puppies somehow lead to an attack against certian ethnic groups. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so disturbing.

At least in the days of Cliff Clavin they were just loveable cranks. Today they are enraged maniacs allowed to rave without any accountability. They don’t need facts, logic, coherence, or even a name.

You think the founding fathers would have drafted the First Amendment differently if they had an inkling that one day there would be the internet? Might Thomas Jefferson have said, “they can click like but that’s it.”?

Until I can customize my blog to have two comment sections -- one for comments and one for stupid comments, I’ll just have to monitor more closely the comments I do get. Maybe if the word verification feature didn’t just ask to repeat a series of letters but instead was a question like “what color is the White House?” or “what color is an orange?” it would weed out 90% of the trolls. I could even do occasional posts about politics or religion. Or puppies.

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