Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 12, 2013

Will Roseanne please go away FOREVER

Are you as sick of Roseanne as I am? For God sakes, what does it take to get this sick hateful woman to just go away? I thought when she moved to Hawaii she’d disappear or fall into a volcano, but I was wrong.   Like shingles, she’s back again -- once more in the news thanks to a series of vicious stupid rants she tweeted (and then missives a few days later saying she was drunk and to disregard the first series of bile gibberish).  Like all is forgiven.

As longtime readers of this blog know, I have had my run-ins with Roseanne. She personally attacked me on several occasions and I suspect this post will result in a lot more. Last time I was a balless Ass hat who hated women. This time I’ll probably be the Anti-Christ. So what? I’ll be laughing it off anyway.

When I got in a blog war with Ms Barr her comment section filled quickly with bootlickers who took her side. And when some Colonel in the Army posted that he thought my position was fair and respectful she replied to him by saying “What do you know? You’re in the military. You can’t get a real job.” This of course caused a minor firestorm and she quickly deleted her response… as she has done with her Friday night rant-a-thon.

The woman is clearly unbalanced. And I feel sorry for her on that account, but when she repeatedly publicly trashes people it’s hard to stay sympathetic. At some point you just wanna say – go the fuck away! Take your meds, go to yoga, raise goats, paint, whatever – but get out of our lives and stay there. Enough already.

NBC foolishly has commissioned a pilot with Roseanne and that was the target of her recent ravings. The showrunner assigned to write the piroject Linda Wallem (one of the co-creators of NURSE JACKIE so no slouch) apparently did not include Roseanne in the creative process to her satisfaction. And NBC didn’t properly stand behind her to her satisfaction. So she lashed out at everybody. Somehow even Anderson Cooper got caught in the gunfire. Roseanne tweeted:

‘censor this s*** u f****ing p***k mother****ing a**hole dispshit banjkster w***es of Hollywood neo con anti semites. ANDERSON COOPER IS A TOAD.’

And he had nothing to do with the NBC pilot. How did Roseanne miss me in this barrage?

Here are some of her other delightful tweets:

‘everything-every word I turned in to nbc and nbc studios was censored and thrown out-they wanted ‘my brand’ w/o me in it. Worse than matt w.’ (referring to Matt Williams who created ROSEANNE)

‘I’ve ben disrespected and ripped off by Hollywood. f*** hollywood. f*** every stupid p***k there. Misogynist classist white colonial f***.

‘f*** these hollywood anti semite b*****d jewish women loathing f***tards… the women in hollywood cannot fall to their knees to suck d*** fast enough.’

Nice, huh? Even when she likes you it’s insane. This is her support of Alec Baldwin and his recent flare-up:

‘no wonder alex baldwin calls ppl names and s**t-he shld lay off gays and go for morons tho.’ 

What is NBC doing even being in business with this mad hatter? It’s not enough she’s unstable; she’s also over. When was the last time Roseanne was relevant? When was the last time Roseanne commanded an audience? Like all networks, NBC is chasing younger viewers. Why are they interested in a 61-year-old woman whose only recent claim to fame is alienating people? It’s like if the Lakers gave a ten-day contract to Dennis Rodman. Why? Seriously – WHY?

Her retraction means nothing. Her credibility means nothing. My hope is that NBC rids itself of this unnecessary migraine.  My guess is they will. And when Roseanne rants that she’s never going to work in Hollywood again that it’s (a) true, and (b) Hollywood’s choice, not hers.

Goodbye. Go away. Visit a volcano.

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