Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 6, 2014

Bill Kurtis responds to my blog readers

In the comments section of today's earlier post, a number of people brought up Bill Kurtis, who in addition to being a superb newscaster, has also done some very funny acting turns.  Bill himself has responded.  Here's what he said:

Interesting. I'm 73, 30 years with CBS, 20 years producing series for A & E, CNBC, etc. And now picking up 'straight' roles. I remember William Friedken, the director telling someone, "Don't Act. Relax and concentrate." So, straight it is. Humorous lines coming out of a deadpan, suited, old white man's face, has the kind of incongruous, unexpected surprise that is humorous. At least to me. In my early years, I was hoping that would grow into a NYTimes quality product. But it went the other way. Today, John Stewart is the most trusted man in America. Go figure. And have fun. Bill Kurtis

Thanks so much, Bill.  You never know who reads my blog.  

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