Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 11, 2012

30 years ago today

Friday Questions follow later this morning, but first I wanted to take a few minutes to wish my son, Matt a happy 30th birthday.  He's still a great kid even if he's now at the age where he can longer be trusted.  Matt Levine has always been a good luck charm.  How much of a good luck charm? Matt was the first CHEERS baby born. The evening he came into the world I arrived home to find a message on my voicemail. It was from James Burrows. CHEERS was in its first season and doing horribly in the ratings. Cancellation was a real possibility. But the message from Jimmy was, “Congratulations. Announcing the birth of nine more episodes. We just got picked up today.” The rest is history.

Proving that apples do fall far from the tree, Matt is an engineer at Apple Computers. His father is a technology imbecile. But the good news is he’s there to provide tech support anytime I need it. And you know me. I’d never abuse that privilege.

Photo by Matt Levine
More important than his many accomplishments (he’s also very funny, a terrific photographer, and a good athlete (again, not getting that gene passed down from me), is the fact that he’s such an awesome person. Great to his mom, great to his sister, his beautiful wife, his friends (many of whom flew from all over the country to be at his wedding), and he tolerates me.

Happy Birthday, Matt. You make me proud every day to be your dad. I love you, always will, and cherish the time we spend together. I’m excited about your future and know you must be too now that the Red Sox have fired Bobby Valentine. Have a great day and thanks for arranging the CHEERS pick up.

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