Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 11, 2012

Angus T. Jones -- holy shit!

So Angus T. Jones has found religion and publicly told America to not watch his show, TWO AND A HALF MEN, because it’s “filth.”

Just so I have this straight – he was fine doing the show all the previous years? The subject matter of the show was not a surprise to him? It’s not like he signed up for one thing but it became something else? He’s made a ton of money over this period? He’s currently earning $300,000 an episode? And during the run of the show the producers, studio, and network have taken good care of him? He received all the (free) education he was entitled to as a minor? No labor laws were broken? He was never forced to work 20-hour days or put himself in danger at any time? Chuck Lorre never made him wash his car?

I’m not getting anything here that would sway me to take his side. No. What I see is an incredibly ungrateful confused young man who has just committed career suicide and left himself open for major lawsuits.

I guarantee that in a year, or two, or five he will look back at this in horror and say, “What the fuck did I do?” Yes, he will use the word fuck, for even if he remains a devoutly religious man he will realize that he made the biggest most costly mistake of his life. By then it will be way too late. The next time you will see him is on an E! TRUE HOLLYWOOD STORY or THE CELEBRITY FIT CLUB.

And my feeling? As someone who has been a producer and showrunner, I would feel bad that this once-good kid has had his head so turned around that he would do something idiotic like this, but I would write him out of the show immediately and send him on his holy way. His character is now in the army anyway. Time to ship out, soldier!

Now you could argue that he’s being fired for expressing his religious beliefs. I would argue that we are graciously giving someone his freedom who didn’t want to be there. Personally, I don’t care what religion he believes in, but I am asking him to believe in my show. I don’t think that’s an unreasonable request.

For a wildly successful series, TWO AND A HALF MEN has been snake-bit. One and a half men have become PR nightmares. I think the tealeaves are saying it’s time to end this show already.

This is a classic case of biting the hand that feeds you, but at the end of the day I find the whole affair just sad. Charlie Sheen is one thing. He’s supposedly an adult. But Angus T. Jones is just 19. He’s still a kid. Who hasn’t done really dumb things when they were 19? Not this dumb but still!

If I may quote what I think is the Bible:

It is better to remain silent than to speak the truth ill-humoredly, and spoil an excellent dish by covering it with bad sauce.
--St. Francis De Sales

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