Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 4, 2013

Free teleseminar!

I will be conducting another free teleseminar (i.e. great big telephone conference call) next Wednesday, April 17th at 9 PM Eastern/ 6 PM Pacific.  The subject is "writing partners" and I will be joined by my writing partner, David Isaacs.   We'll be answering all the questions about partnerships that you have sent in.  

Here's how it will work:  Just sign up for my SITCOMROOM alert list and we'll email you the details.   Again, it's absolutely free.   No salesmen will call.  No one wins any trips.  You can unsubscribe at any time.  We only use the list to alert you of free stuff like teleseminars and videos, and any new Sitcom Room seminar news before I announce them publicly.   (In fact, those on the list have known about this teleseminar for two days.  Perhaps you've seen people walking around with big smiles and wondered why.) 

So mark your calendar, or text yourself, or whatever.  If you're looking for a partner, looking to dump a partner, deciding whether you need a partner, wonder how the process works, or you just want to sit back and hear some fun stories and possibly useful advice, join us next Wednesday night. 

Again, here's where you go to sign up.   Thanks.   

 Now back to your regularly scheduled blog.

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