Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 5, 2013

My brief stint on KRTH 101

By short I mean two shifts. I was the emergency fill-in guy for one weekend in the spring of 2007. These were my first disc jockey shows in like fifteen years, and I haven't done one since. So I must have really impressed them. But I've had a lot of requests for this from radio freaks so on this holiday weekend I thought I'd post it.  I'm a little hesitant though.  You commenters have been particularly surly lately.  But what the hell?  I can take it.

Some things to keep in mind:

I ran my own control board (for the first time since 1983).  Imagine coming in off the street and piloting the Starship Enterprise.

All the elements were on computer and I had never worked with a computer before.  One wrong click and I'm playing a newscast from four months ago.

The music was all pre-programmed. We had to follow the song order precisely. I accidentally deleted five songs. I don't know if "Wedding Bell Blues" has ever played on that station again.

I also screwed up and played the same commercial three times in one spot break. I just kept hitting the wrong key.  And it was for some hard sell local car dealer too.  I probably lost 90% of my audience.

The bathroom was outside in the hall but you needed a key to get back in. No one ever gave me a key so I was on the air from 7-midnight and couldn't use the bathroom. By 10:00 I was not just hopping to the music.

Still, it was great fun being on a major heritage Los Angeles radio station, even for one weekend.

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