Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 7, 2013

Dave Niehaus celebrates the 4th of July

Dave Niehaus WAS Seattle baseball.  From their very first game until he unfortunately passed away in 2010, Dave was the voice of the Mariners.  He was passionate, colorful, and something that is sadly almost gone in baseball broadcasting these days -- a storyteller.  Even with bad teams, fans would tune in just to hear Dave spin a yarn.  Play-by-play was an art.  And now, as someone said, the airwaves are filled with "blow dried voices." 

Back in the early '90s it was my honor to be his partner.  Dave had many traditions.  As much as he loved the Mariners he loved this country more.  And every 4th of July he wore this guady red, white, and blue shirt and an even guadier red, white,, and blue jacket.  I don't know if any photos of that jacket exist.

This was a photo from July 4th, 1992.  We were in Tiger Stadium, Detroit.  In the shot you have me, Kevin Cremin (the best producer-engineer in sports and unrelated fields), and Mr. Niehaus sporting his holiday-appropriate-but-not-appropriate-for-any-other day shirt.

They say the 4th of July is as American as baseball and apple pie.  I would also add Dave Niehaus.   

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