Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 7, 2013

Warning: Proud Parent Alert

Yes, today I’m going to be one of those annoying parents that corners you and shows you endless photos of their baby. You want to say, “All babies that age look like that -- mini Uncle Festers -- so what?” but instead you just politely smile and think of ways to extricate yourself from the situation. “Listen, I just got a text that a meteor is landing on this spot in thirty seconds so I really should scoot.”

And then there are the pet owners who insist on showing you endless photos of their dog. “Oh, here’s Bluto with a piece of our couch in his mouth. Isn’t he just the cutest thing?” NO. And neither is the shot of him sleeping on the bed with your wife.

At least on Facebook you can scroll through these precious snapshots of toddlers wearing oversized sunglasses and cats wearing oversized sunglasses. And you can lie and say your server is down so you couldn’t watch the adorable YouTube videos of Chloe/Britney/Jason/Fido’s first potty triumph.

But today, I’m one of those parents. Last night the first produced show my daughter Annie and her partner Jon Emerson wrote aired on the Disney Channel. GOOD LUCK CHARLIE. Here’s their credit. Tell me it isn’t the cutest most adorable credit you’ve ever seen! Thanks for the indulgence. And congratulations again to Annie & Jon.   Next up: a new Nick at Nite show called INSTANT MOM. Their episode films Thursday.
Here's what Janel Maloney and Aaron Sorkin said about first credits on the WEST WING commentary track.

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