Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 1, 2014

Gadget Goes Hawaiian

Thanks to my trusty iPhone I am never without a camera or the GreatBigRadio app.  Yesterday I filed my travelogue.  Thought for today I'd share some of my best and weirdest photos.
The Kahala resort with no Hollywood types in view. 

How many divorced couples have their picture in front of this waterfall?
This is a month when the waves are the highest and most dangerous at the North Shore.   Above is an action shot of some of the brave surfers attempting to defy death. 

Sunrise in Hawaii.  Yes, I was up that early.
This house probably sells for $4,000,000. And the inside isn't as nice.

Who says no man is an island?  SURVIVOR will come here for a season when their budget has been severely cut.
Just your simple amazing coconut dessert at Alan Wong's.
There are beauty shots like this everywhere you look. Notice how beautiful the lounge chairs are stacked.  Only in Hawaii.

My wife's Meth Lab.
You'd be happy too if the Kahala Resort pampered you for 25 years.
Even parking lots are gorgeous. 
The Wicked Witch of the West now has a place on Oahu.
The recent cold snap has hit everywhere.  Here's a delightful scene of kids in Hawaii frolicking in the snow.
He's alive and living on Oahu.  You'd think he'd drive a better car.

One can not go to Hawaii and not pay respect to the "Lord."   Jack Lord's statue in the Kahala Mall parking lot.
If Monet lived in Hawaii...

I'm really proud of this shot.  Notice how the light reflects off several lounge chair covers.

There are famous golfers in this shot.  I don't recognize any of them.  Do you?  Who are these guys?

I never knew how much the Emperor looked like Jerry Stiller.

As the sun sets on another blog post...

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