Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 3, 2014

Final thoughts on the Oscars

The ratings were up from last year. And considering no one saw any of the movies in contention, I’d say that’s a feather in Ellen’s cap.  Expect her to be back next year... if she wants it.

Big surprise that John Travolta believes in Scientology.  

What bothered me about the retweeting bit is that it was clearly so calculated to attract younger viewers. And what bothered me more was how desperate Liza Minnelli looked trying to squeeze into the selfie.

Sidney Poittier was not in top form. Kudos to Angelina Jolie for how classy and kind she handled that whole awkward situation. Someone noted that the music they played as he slowly made his way to the podium was “I Will Wait Forever.”

Cate Blanchett said that having Daniel Day Lewis as presenter exacerbated how good it was. Exacerbate means make worse. Probably what she meant was accentuated.

Usually Oscar hosts have long distinguished film careers.  Ellen may not have the screen credits but she was once a judge on AMERICAN IDOL.

Why was Pink chosen to sing “Over the Rainbow” over more established singers? Uh… what’s the audience the Oscars are trying to attract even more desperately than Liza wants to be noticed? 18-34’s. Barbara Cook is not going to get ‘em.

A number of readers wondered why Jack Nicholson was no longer in the front row smirking in his sunglasses. Probably because he’s never heard of half the presenters. “Zac Efron? Who’s he?”

When John Ridley won the Best Screenplay award for 12 YEARS A SLAVE he conspicuously didn’t thank director Steve McQueen. When McQueen made his acceptance speech later he ignored Ridley. Apparently there is bad blood between them. McQueen supposedly tried to get shared writing credit and the WGA disallowed it. Directors wield great power over writers. It’s kinda like that movie about a certain plantation owner.

Don't wanna say I toldja so but here was my review of 20 FEET FROM STARDOM.  I didn't think it would win an Oscar though because it wasn't set in a prison.

Fresh off her Oscar win, Lupita Nyong'o is back in theaters this week in NON STOP.  She has essentially a walk-on. 

At some point the price tag for the rights to air the Academy Awards is going to be so high that the paying network will get to demand the elimination of the production categories on the primetime telecast. You watch.

If Baz Luhrmann gave as much attention to the script as did the art direction, his wife might not be the only one in the family with Oscars. 

If John Travolta had introduced Karen O he would have said, "Here's Kenny G."

Instead of handing out pizzas, Ellen should have critiqued the singing performances.  

I guess I’m not the only one who thought AMERICAN HUSTLE was vastly over-rated.

Thank you ABC for not going from the In Memoriam segment to a promo for RESSERECTION. Or LAST MAN STANDING.

Just because Hollywood makes a good movie doesn’t necessarily mean audiences are going to find it. It might not play in your town, or it may screen in only one or two art theaters. It might not be promoted properly… if at all. Or the subject matter just doesn’t capture the public’s imagination. Unless IRON MAN 3 wins Best Picture there is always going to be somewhat of a disconnect between good and successful.

A number of you noted that THE WIND RISES should have won for Best Animation Feature. Maybe so but it had no chance over FROZEN.

After suffering through some of those endless acceptance speeches thanking lists of people that no one knows I missed playoff music.

If anyone wearing one of those beaded metallic gowns had spilled tomato sauce from the pizza on herself she’d have to get the dress cleaned at a car wash.

I look forward to next year's Oscars when they salute the 76th anniversary of THE WIZARD OF OZ. 

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