Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 8, 2014

More thoughts on Robin and Lauren Bacall

I hate writing tributes. And this year it seems I’ve had to write more than ever. Some are more personal, some are bigger stars than others, but they all chip away at the soul. Some reflect the loss of an era or our childhood. Others are shocking because they’re so unexpected.

But very few have the shattering impact that Robin Williams’ death has had on the entire world. 

Every conversation I had yesterday at some point turned to Robin Williams. I’ll bet it was that way for you too. Did you find yourself discussing him with people you didn’t even know (waiters, cashiers, etc.)? I did.

I was trying to think of how many other times in my life there has been this level of overwhelming grief for a celebrity. Aside from political assassinations, in my lifetime I would have to say John Lennon, Princess Diana, and Marilyn Monroe. You remember exactly where you were when you heard the news. You walk around in a daze for days.

It’s as if our shared love for this person unites us all and for one brief moment Red States and Blue States all blend and become Purple States. Differences are set aside and we find a common ground in humanity. I tweeted yesterday alerting my followers to my tribute, and among the people who favored my tweet was -- I kid you not -- Roseanne Barr.  I have to tell you, I was very touched. 

If you went on Facebook yesterday, practically every update was about Robin Williams. I was struck by how eloquent and heartfelt they all were. Many shared personal anecdotes and photos. I must be the only person Robin knew (or even met) who didn’t get his picture taken with him. Facebook suddenly became… relevant. There was an outpouring of genuine emotion, which took the place of cat pictures and taco recipes. Thank you all for sharing. A collective “Like” to you all.

And then, almost 24 hours after the news of Robin Williams came word that Lauren Bacall had passed away at 89.  Jesus Christ!  Ordinarily, I would write a tribute. But two back-to-back is too much. I don’t want to become the Georgie Jessel of the internet (Yes, old reference. Don’t feel bad if you didn’t get it. I would have used someone more contemporary if there was someone more contemporary.) Just know she was one of my favorite people and maybe the sexiest Jewish movie star ever.

May Robin and Lauren both rest in peace, and may we not get any more bad news today so I can write a humorous post for tomorrow.  Thank you. 

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