Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 1, 2015

My New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year!

Here are my New Year’s resolutions:

Host movies on TCM. 

Finally watch THE WIRE.

Get ALMOST PERFECT on Netflix or Hulu.

Go to the gym at least twice a week. (My gym is usually packed in January and by March it’s me and two other guys.)

Stay off the 405 freeway when it’s crowded (so only take it between 2-4 AM).

Visit my friend in Walla Walla.

Get more productions of A OR B?

Meet Claire Danes.

Learn to do an accent in my improv class.

Direct more episodes that my daughter and her partner write.

See a Broadway show I wish I had written.

Go somewhere in the world I've never been.

Recover from the jet lag.

Watch and listen to as much Vin Scully as I possibly can.

Finish writing my new play.

Learn what half the features on my car are.

Not piss off the North Koreans.

Continue to support the WGA’s Foundation.

Give DOWNTON ABBEY one final chance.

Champion strict gun control.

Get a humor piece in the NEW YORKER.

Get a cartoon in the NEW YORKER.

Avoid the incredibly tasty fried chicken wings at the Hamburger Hamlet (now that it has reopened).

Keep Tetris playing down to three hours a day.

Answer more Friday Questions (which I'll be able to do if I keep the previous resolution).

Clean my desk (a perennial resolution but this year for sure!)

And finally, solve the Natalie Wood case.

Let's see how many I keep.  What are your resolutions?

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