Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 8, 2015

ANT-MAN -- my review

DISCLAIMER:  No picnics were harmed in the making of this movie.

What’s wrong with the Marvel Universe? Don’t they understand that superheroes have to be tortured individuals? That all bright colors need to be washed out and grayed? That every story needs to be dark and dreary? That it has to rain through half the movie? That the superhero has to be British? If only Ingmar Bergman were still alive to direct BATMAN v. SUPERMAN.  But even he would lighten it up a little. 

Everything I hate about the DC Universe is what I love about Marvel. It’s a fucking comic book, people! And although a lot of Marvel’s movies get convoluted and the CGI action sequences become tiresome and tedious after awhile, when they hit it right they really produce a fun thrill ride with genuine laughs and (God forbid) a touching moment now and then. ANT-MAN is one that got it right. Even without Joss Whedon.  Who knew?

First off, the movie doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s a fucking comic book! Paul Rudd stars in it. You go to Paul Rudd for funny. You go to Paul Rudd for quirky romantic lead. You don’t go to Paul Rudd for “Yippee Ki-yay, motherfucker!” And by putting Rudd in an ant costume where his face is completely covered, he himself didn’t have to do any of the stunts. Just get a stuntman who looks good in a Power Ranger suit, throw him against greenscreen, have him run and kick and punch the air and you’ve got Paul Rudd: action hero. Look, when you think about it, a big part of the fun for guys watching superheroes is wishing they could be them. More of those guys look like Paul Rudd than Henry Cavill. (Although, in this case, not many guys fantasize about being any smaller.)

For his part, Rudd totally delivered. He has that rare quality of being able to play funny and likable but real. And clearly, he was enjoying himself.  In fact, the single thing that struck me about this movie was that all of the actors seemed to be having the time of their lives. It showed and was infectious. Michael Douglas proved he could eat up the scenery while still playing straight. Evangeline Lily can kick ass even in a bob haircut (Jack, Hugo, Sayid, and the Smoke Monster would all be proud), and Corey Stoll is what Lex Luther can only dream of being. And who can possibly forget Leilani Amour Arenza as SF Tenderloin Resident?

Like I said, there are a few tender moments, but the movie goes out of its way to puncture them as soon as possible. If you see a tear, a joke will not be far behind.

Along the way there were some inventive gags and stunts. Because everything is all computer generated, nothing is really spectacular. The most impressive thing you can say about this film technically is that the CGI has really improved since HONEY, I SHRUNK THE KIDS.

And they really had to rely on CGI for the opening sequence.  They had to make Michael Douglas look thirty years younger while in the same scene make Hayley Atwell (Agent Carter) look forty years older.  

But none of that matters. ANT-MAN is mindless good fun... or super scary if you’re afraid of ants.

Oh, and just to avoid any confusion, ANT-MAN is not a reboot of AUNTIE MAME.  It's a fucking comic book

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