Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 11, 2013

My 8th anniversary

When I started I thought this would last a couple of months.  I mean, who reads blogs anyway?   But I had nothing else going at the time, and it seemed like a fun novelty.   I could write whatever I wanted with no one giving me notes.  So what if my audience was zero?  At least the unread articles were all mine! 

Actually, I had no idea what I was going to write about.  So I just opted for variety.  It's not like I had anyone's expectations to meet.   One day I'd give writing advice and the next I'd describe my experiences at Porn Star Karaoke.  It was all free-form and very liberating.

I introduced myself to several established bloggers and asked for advice.  How do I get any traffic?  Besides nude photos of Kim Kardashian how do I get any traffic?   They said post something new every day.  That way readers would always be rewarded stopping back.  And more new readers would find me via search engines.  "Every day?"  I asked.  "Yep," they said, "Each and every day."  I nodded and said,  "How do I get those nude shots of Kim?" 

Since I had already committed to starting the blog I figured I'd give the new-post-a-day format a try.  At least for a couple of weeks.  And if it ever got to be too much of a burden I could just pull the plug.  No one was paying me.

Eight years and 3,485 posts later I'm still churning stuff out.   Thank God I settled on variety and not AMERICAN IDOL recaps.  This blog has taken on a life of its own.

I'm frankly surprised I have so many readers, surprised by how many international readers I have (why does anyone in Kuwait give a shit what I think about anything?), and delighted by how many new friends I've made via the comments section.

At one point, Google Ads came to me and said I could make some money by running their advertising.  The money wasn't spectacular and I felt the ads would junk up the site.  If you want to support this blog just buy one of my books.  The Kindle version of MUST KILL TV is only $2.99.   It's a cheap way to say think you and if you are a fan of my writing (after all, you are here) you should get a lot of laughs out of it.   As proud as I am of my blog, that's how proud I am of this particular book. 

Hopefully I'll keep coming up with ideas for daily posts.  I haven't run dry yet.  My sincerest thanks to you for reading my blog and keeping this folly going.   Eight years.  Wow.  That's longer than all the GOLDEN GIRLS spinoffs combined.

Onwards and sidewards to the next eight.

Just for giggles, here's a link to my very first post

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