Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 7, 2012

What to do in Hawaii

If you’re in Hawaii on July 29th here’s something really cool to do!

Ron Jacobs, local personality known as Whodaguy and the architect of the KHJ Boss Radio format along with co-creating AMERICAN TOP 40 and hatching the San Diego Chicken – is staging a one-man show one-day only. He’ll be reflecting on his life growing up in Hawaii and God-knows-what. Ron is the one of the most colorful interesting people I’ve ever met. Trust me, you’ll get more fascinating stories, laughs, insight, and culture out of this concert than from four museums, three books, six luaus, four pineapple factory tours, and five Elvis movies.

Speaking of the King, he and Jacobs became friends. Ron emceed his first Hawaiian concert. And this was after Jacobs pulled a stunt on the radio parading around a fake Elvis that caused a statewide frenzy. Or, in the case of Ron Jacobs -- just par for the course.

It’ll all the be there – from the war to the surf craze, from the hula to Ho, natives and haoles, statehood, tourism, mysticism, Judaism, the dawn of rock n’ roll, the birth of Obama, radio, cool cars, and lots of words with k,a,e,u,h,o,n,and i's in them. Plus, a never-before attempted feature -- a talk radio segment, where you can call him on your cellphone and ask questions.  Talk radio live.  I'm curious to see if he hangs up on someone. 

Imagine Garrison Keillor on Maui Wowie with a little Hunter S. Thompson, Mark Twain, and Dr. Emmet Brown thrown in. 

Here are the details. Wish I could be there.
This is a once in a larger-than-lifetime opportunity. And all you need to know to summarize just who this gentleman is and what he does:

"It is fitting that Jacobs is performing at the site of the former Insane Asylum in Kaneohe."

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