Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 1, 2013

The most humble man in Hollywood: Steven Spielberg

In Daniel Day-Lewis’ acceptance speech at the Golden Globes he fawned all over Steven Spielberg and praised him for his “humility.” Steven nodded graciously as if to say, “Yes, that’s me alright.” And I thought – humility? On what planet are we on here? This man has one of the largest egos in the ego capital of the world. He is enormously talented. There’s no denying that. And he has made some wonderful films. This isn’t Michael Bay we’re talking about. I have tremendous respect for Steven Spielberg as a filmmaker.

But “humility?” Gimme a break! This is the man who orchestrated getting a former president of the United States to introduce his film clip at a made-up award ceremony. It wasn’t enough to have some pompous thespian like Jeremy Irons regale the world with what a genius he is, he had to have the former leader of the free world. And make no mistake -- it was Steven who arranged it. Seeing Bill Clinton at the Golden Globes was like seeing Paul McCartney singing at the new Jiffy Lube grand opening in Pacoima.

A humble man might’ve thought that was overkill.

Who is he going to get to introduce his film at the Academy Awards? I bet he has his staff looking into the Second Coming. I can just see it -- Seth MacFarlane sings a show tune about masturbation and then in his “Stewie” voice introduces Jesus Christ.

Here in LA we have been bombarded by the LINCOLN Oscar campaign. Screenings, screeners, posters, ads -- I’m surprised he doesn’t have interns going door to door handing out stove pipe hats.

The message is clear. Steven Spielberg wants to win awards! He wants to be celebrated, exalted, revered. If Christ does introduce him, Steven would hope the public sees Him as a peer.

Forget that Steven’s already won Academy Awards. A modest man says: “Give someone else a chance.” A glory hog says: “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most successful film director commercially and artistically – in all domestic and foreign markets – of them all, and especially Scorsese?”

So I took great delight when Ben Affleck and ARGO beat him and LINCOLN at the Golden Globes, even though those awards are meaningless.

But what it says to me is I’m not the only one not fooled by Steven Spielberg’s “humility.” I doubt if ARGO will top LINCOLN at the Oscars. Its director is not even nominated (which is a joke). And Spielberg has more sway. But the race suddenly became more interesting. And ZERO DARK THIRTY could be a dark horse. If you see Steven Spielberg appearing on CHELSEA LATELY you know he’s worried.

What Daniel Day-Lewis should have done was thank Abe Lincoln for his humility. Somehow I can’t picture Abe giving a shit about losing a Golden Globe.

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