Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 1, 2013


How do you make a gripping thriller when everyone in the world knows the outcome? Since they didn’t flash SPOILER ALERT on your TV just before President Obama announced that Osama bin Laden had been killed, there’s zero (dark thirty) chance anyone will stunned by the “surprise” ending.

And yet, director Kathryn Bigelow – working from a taut screenplay by Mark Boal – pulls it off spectacularly.  It's absurd that she wasn't nominated for Best Director.  

What’s also remarkable about the directing is that there are stretches of this 2 1/2 hour film where nothing much happens and still you’re riveted to the screen. Compare that to BATTLESHIP where you’re bored out of your mind during action scenes.

The final sequence, when the Navy Seals break into the compound and complete their manhunt is thrilling and gut wrenching. The way it’s shot you really feel like you’re there with them. At one point I tried to adjust my night goggles. And the fact that it’s a true story – we really did kill bin Laden; it wasn’t just another Quentin Tarantino what-if fantasy, made it all the more poignant. Again, how could Ms. Bigelow not get a Best Director nomination? 

Jessica Chastain gave an Oscar-worthy performance as the CIA analyst who doggedly stayed on the trail. Notice I said “analyst” and not “agent?” She wasn’t like Claire Danes or Piper Perabo gunning down bad guys. She worked at a desk and compiled data, and every so often she got to stretch her legs by interrogating a broken detainee. You really begin to appreciate the painstaking legwork that goes into tracking down these terrorists. Getting back to Jessica -- her acting was so real and nuanced that you felt her pain, frustration, joy, and ultimately relief. If she only sang a song from LES MIS she’s have the Oscar sewn up.

There has been a lot of controversy over ZERO DARK THIRTY, primarily over the interrogation scenes.  Maybe that's why Kathryn got snubbed.  Hollywood doesn't believe in torture unless they can dish it out.

The glimpses of torture in  ZDT are pretty disturbing, but it’s not like you’re watching HOSTEL. The government of course denies that these methods of waterboarding, sleep deprivation, and other indignities ever happened. Right. These terrorists divulged all this information when playing Cranium. “Okay, you landed on a yellow. Current Events. Answer this question: Osama bin Laden’s chief courier was…? Yeah, that’s how we broke the prisoners.

But the scenes will spark debate over the necessity and morality of using torture. I leave it to others to engage in that debate... probably in the comments section. 

All of the other performances were top notch. Kyle Chandler is always good. James Gandolfini was convincing even in a rug. A big surprise was Chris Pratt (goofy Andy on PARKS AND REC) looking all buff and kick ass. He’s in the “can do no wrong” category for me.

ZERO DARK THIRTY deals with bureaucracy, persistence, and dedication. It’s kind of like ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN except Deep Throat has to be chained and thrown into a box before he talks. It’s been playing in Los Angeles and New York and opened nationwide on Friday. Well worth seeing.  Like I said --  I think it was the movie of the year (although I reserve the right to change my mind once I’ve seen THE THREE STOOGES).

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