Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 9, 2012

Here's my book trailer

Attention authors: You need book trailers these days. It used to be you needed book stores but there are very few of those around anymore. So with the help of my good friend, Howard Hoffman I made one for my new book, THE ME GENERATION... BY ME (GROWING UP IN THE '60s). I've seen other book trailers and wow! They're slick with great production values and probably cost thousands to produce. Mine cost maybe thirty dollars. But as you will see, every dollar is right up there on the screen. 

Lemme know what you think.

I guess the exercise here is to use these social medias to get the word out. The theory being that once someone sees my trailer they will immediately go to my website and buy copies of my book. So if you like the low budget-independent trailer, would you please share it with all your Facebook, Twitter, and whatever-other-network-you're-on friends? Would you click "like"? I don't know why other than to make me feel good, but apparently that's a big deal. And of course, you could buy the book yourself.  Thanks much and enjoy!

A couple of quick things:

I will be reviewing the Emnmys tomorrow. I watch so you don't have to.

And an announcement on the Sitcom Room is coming this week.

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