Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 2, 2013

My comments on your comments

My Super Bowl Commercials post has generated a lot of comments. Worth checking them out. Mind if the ol’ blogmeister responds?

Reader Carol thought the kid kissing the girl at the prom was inappropriate and disturbing. When I was ten there was a girl in my class I had a huge crush on. One day, for unfathomable reasons, I decided to approach her during lunch and give her a big kiss. She clocked me in the head with her lunchbox. Lesson definitely learned.

To clarify – I said the dialect was borderline racist. I can see how it could be taken both ways.

The Oprah ad didn’t move me because I find her so disingenuousMaybe if she bought all the servicemen a car…

It also annoys me when a company wraps itself in a flag to sell cars.

Apparently the supermodel/dork kiss required 45 takes. You think the girl would know how to kiss.

I liked Todd’s comment. “What does it say about the advertising industry today when far-and-away the most effective message was written by a dead radio guy?”

Does it seem like the common denominator in all these ads was: “dad is stupid?”

I didn’t mind the sub-par fidelity of the Paul Harvey ad. It just added to the sense that he was coming back from the great beyond. Oh, and I bet it didn’t take him 45 takes.

The Kaley Cuoco Toyota spot confused me because I didn’t know what it was selling. Chocolate maybe, then Sirius-XM radio, finally it was a car. Why would I buy a car based on that ad? And there’s another example of excess. How much did it cost to do the effects on the witches gag? And was it worth it? Was it even funny?

What does a fish have to do with Beck’s Sapphire beer?

For a far better and funnier version of the Leon Sandcastle bit, see the Felix Hernandez Mariners commercial from a couple of years ago.

And finally, Chris thought I was a little “crotchety” for telling Beyonce and her army of singers to get off my lawn. He’s probably right.

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